Air Ventilation

A Passive House Principle

It would be safe to say that most people would like to have fresh air in their home, whilst at the same time feel comfortable…a little bit like Goldie Locks, not too hot, not too cold.

Let’s take it a step further and mention that it would also be desirable to have a fresh, clean-smelling home too… no smoke or pollution smells, mould or stale odours.

When a passive house is designed and built, this ideal air quality is factored into the equation. Each home is measured, calculations made and ducting installed throughout the home during interior framing stage.

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Mechanical Ventilation

Ducting and vents are installed prior to plaster stage.

Nearing completion of the home, the mechanical system is installed, tested and commissioned ready for the home.

Often the question is asked about the mechanical noise and drafts from fans or visual distraction of vents. The experience of being in a passive home; noticing the fresh air, the quiet, calm energy of each space, far outweighs the mechanical ventilation system noise which is quietly heard within a metre of the unit. Airflow through the vents is a gentle breeze, barely noticed.

Now the importance of ventilation has been discussed , it is worth mentioning that the Passive House recommendation is to install and use a Heat Recovery Ventilation(HRV) unit. With this system the incoming fresh air is transferred to the warm air carried by the ventilation system without the two air streams ever physically combining.

This is not only an excellent way to greatly reduce heating costs but there is the added benefits of comfort and health.

The end result of a home built with Passive House principles will be a healthy, comfortable, energy efficient, long lasting home.

If you would like to learn more about Passive House Principles and how we use them in every single house we build, please click on this link to learn more about our membership



Household Insulation


Air Tightness